When considering business courses on marketing, it is always helpful to examine what SEO is and what it is not. As it turns out, SEO is an abbreviation for search engine optimization. It is an internet marketing concept that has been developed out of research and observation of the way the web is used. The core objective of SEO is to make a website more visible to the search engines and thereby generate traffic and sales. In other words, SEO is the art of making a website and its content more “searchable.”

The list here consists of free online marketing courses from a variety of disciplines and topics. Available from:

There are several search engine optimization certifications offered by colleges and universities that focus on SEO. A quick review of these courses shows that they are divided into short-term and long-term training programs. Some of the short-term certifications include courses on link building, web design, and building databases. In addition, there are free website promotion packages offered by some organizations.

At the same time, there are long-term marketing courses from institutions such as the University of Florida – “digital marketing,” “digital marketing and branding,” and “online marketing.” These programs involve comprehensive studies of organic search results, paid search engine optimization, advertising theory and principles, advertising research and development, e-marketing, and digital marketing and branding. Another university, the University of Minnesota – “istration engine optimization,” ” SEM ” (search engine marketing), and “digital media marketing” are among the long-term programs offered. At the University of Southern California – “arts and sciences,” “digital media,” “website optimization,” and “video production” are among the course offerings. A variety of other universities offer free or inexpensive online marketing courses.

Some of the basic courses include the foundation courses in website designing, online marketing, SEO, PPC, link building, and other general information technology. These courses cover the basics of SEO, which is an advanced SEO technique that seeks to increase site popularity and visibility to achieve high search engine rankings. The basic courses also include courses on social media marketing, digital marketing, advertising, graphic design, content management, and web development. Each of these courses may include certification exams at the end of the program.

Apart from basic courses, there are two types of courses that may be taken as part of an online marketing institute. The first type is content marketing. Content marketing involves creating high-quality, relevant, and useful information that users will find useful. Experts at content marketing analyze the various sources of information on the Internet and recommend effective strategies for marketing through each source. The second type of course is SEO. Search engine optimization (SEO) addresses methods for promoting websites in organic search results and is based on current content marketing strategies.

There are numerous organizations that offer SEO certification, including The Association for Search Engine Marketing (ASM), the National Association of State Criminal Defense Lawyers (NASSCL), and the National Certification Board for SEO (NCCLS). These organizations require students to complete a study plan and pass an evaluation before earning their certifications. Students who successfully complete the certification exam may be able to work for their consultants or employers after earning the certification. SEO certification requires students to write an essay on the theme of search engine optimization and present their findings based on their experience. Students will have to present their written argument in support of their argument using examples from their experience using actual SEO material.

Before enrolling for any of the SEO courses, you should ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria set by each institute. Enrolling in an online course does not guarantee admission unless you pass the prerequisite exams. To enroll for these courses, you may follow the instructions provided in the web sites for each institute. You should read the institute’s instruction manual to understand what type of courses and exams they offer and the procedures for enrollment. Following the instructions, you should contact the institute at least two months before the semester starts and should fill out the enrollment forms.